I prepared special DAQ audible alarms for today --
- Apr 02 Sat 2016 14:26
DAQ Audible Alarms for April 1st
- Mar 27 Sun 2016 03:33
- 主子的老公曹震:有一腿不過最後墮胎,十多年後相見又繼續死纏爛打
- 主子的老公的表叔李鼎的遠房兄弟李紳:李紳最後被別人仙人跳所以沒在一起
- 哥哥的把兄弟馮大瑞:本來要提親了不過身在漕幫的馮大瑞此時捲入漕幫謀反案被充軍
- 曹雪芹本人,也是故主子的老公的堂弟:睡在一起上下其手不過緊急煞車
- 故主子的老公的表叔李鼎,也是故主子的......姘頭:疑似在一起不過沒有直接證實
- Jan 01 Fri 2016 07:37
Taiwan’s heavy metal star rallies fans to run for parliament on anti-China platform@the Guardian
This news reminded me that I have joined their 7th anniversary concert as a pipa, a Chinese musical instrument, player in the end of 2002. The music, black metal integrating with Taiwanese folksongs, is really impressive. I still remember some pieces, based on a famous Taiwanese folklore, and the place we practiced. Also many thanks to the other teammates from the Chinese music club of National Taiwan University, who helped me catch up during the practices.
- Feb 09 Mon 2015 10:28
SLAC Elementary Particle Physics Division Header
At the all-hand meeting of the SLAC Elementary Particle Physics division, JoAnne, the new division head, addressed the questions she received regarding her future leadership.
Q: How could you, a theorist, lead the Elementary Particle Physics division?
A: I'm a phenomenlogist, not a string theorist!
- Feb 01 Sat 2014 14:51
- Nov 23 Sat 2013 10:07
Europe vs Italy
I attended a lecture "how to find a job in Europe" yesterday. The speaker is an Italian working in Bern. He emphazied a lot on showing the respect of the local culture, language, and politics when looking for a job. However, there are differences between Europe and Italy.
"The British are proud of being British, the French are proud of being French. The Italian are proud of... their championship of World Cup. The Italians are more relaxed."
"You have to know the language. For example, the French will speak in French after greeting you. The Italian want to speak English, but they don't know how to speak in English. So after five minutes, they start to speak in Italian."
"Mobility is considered to be very important. But in Italy, the only way to get the professorship is to stick to a powerful professor and to get pushed up."
- Nov 11 Mon 2013 09:19
Sense and Sensibility (1995 film)
昨天看了李安導演執導的第一部英語片——理性與感性 (Sense and Sensitivity)。有些簡短的感想。
整部片十分流暢,主角 Emma Thompson 表現可圈可點,配角個性鮮明但恰如其分。運鏡我是外行所以不予置評。總體而言是一部令人感到輕鬆愉快的愛情喜劇,雖然片長兩個多小時但不會讓我想看錶。
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 02:13
Quotations from Yellow Iris (Agatha Christie' Poirot)
Captain Hastings: Is there *anything* in the English cuisine that you like, Poirot?
Hercule Poirot: The English they do not have a cuisine, my friend, they have only the food.
Captain Hastings: Well, that's a bit harsh, ...
Hercule Poirot: Like the meat, overcooked, the vegetables, too soft, the cheese, inedible. And the day the English create their own wines is the day I return home to Belgium.
When Poirot was detained by the Argentina police...
The journalist: Don't worry Monsieur Poirot, I'll call the French embassy.
Hercule Poirot: No, no, no, no! The Belgian embassy!
- Nov 03 Sun 2013 07:32
Otello (Opera) @ Lyric Opera of Chicago
上上禮拜一(十月二十一日)去看了 Verdi 晚年的代表作 Otello。還聽了表演前的演講。
這齣歌劇的劇本是從莎士比亞的劇本 Othello 改編,敘述摩爾將軍 Otello (歌劇版的主角名)的愛恨情仇。簡言之是一則愛與家暴的故事,因此我對於劇情的感想是:請善用 113 家暴專線,行政院衛生署關心您。(整個畫錯重點)
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 12:21
Higgs Coupling
Our jet energy scale paper draft is now under the style review. Stefan, the style reviewer, told us he would probably not progress much because "tomorrow Higgs will be here (the man not the particle)."
At the jet energy scale meeting today, we had the following conversation.
"Stefan is interacting with Higgs, so the paper will probably be delayed a bit."
"How is the coupling? Yukawa coupling close to 1?"
"The coupling is proportional to the mass....."
"Ah, then it is a strong interaction!"
按:Stefan 大概是 D0 collaboration 最胖的 XDD
- Jul 11 Wed 2012 09:15
A Story about Low Mass Higgs
五月中 D0 Collaboration Meeting 最後一天,日本人 Yuji 在 plenary session 報告 Low Mass Higgs Group 的進度。因為前一個報告的時間提早結束,Yuji 便說他要講這次他從法國飛來,在紐約甘迺迪機場 (JFK) 入境發生的故事。他為這件事準備了一張投影片,以下是從他的投影片抄來的:
Title: A story at airport (JFK, not O’hare)
Officer: Why you come to US?
Me: I’m researcher, working on particle physics....
Officer: ......
Me: It’s high energy experiment at Fermilab....
Officer: Low Mass HIGGS?
Me: Yes, yes, yes! That’s right! Why do you know my work?!
Officer: Ha Ha ha!
Officer wanted to know about Higgs!
Yuji 語畢哄堂大笑,我心想這海關官員其實是 CIA 吧?!當時 LHC 炒新聞好像還沒炒得這麼兇.....
- Jul 11 Wed 2012 05:10
A Greek Treasurer
今天實驗室表定停電,早上的 V+Jets Meeting 取消,Rochester Meeting 則在家裡連線。趁機休假一天,在家......寫論文。順便補記幾則趣事。
這是在五月中的 D0 Collaboration Week 發生的事。
這一兩年我們有一系列的 University of D0 Lectures,供應 pizza。不過由於 Tevatron 停機後預算縮水,因此主辦人 Mike 和 Ioannis 便在 Institution Board Meeting 中提出 "Free pizza fund",和資深老鳥募款。
遠端連線的某人發問:「And who is the treasurer? Ioannis?」
「No. As a Greek, I am not allowed to handle money.」Ioannis 回答。
- May 15 Tue 2012 13:15
DZero Workshop 與德國杯冠軍
今天是 DZero Collaboration Week 的第一天,和明天兩天的議程都是 Summer Physics Workshop。我的 talk 本來被安排在明天下午,不過因為今天早上有位 speaker Lisa 趕不及從哥廷根飛來(該不會是為了看德國杯足球賽吧?),上禮拜德國籍的 Physics Convener Christian 就問我說能不能跟 Lisa 交換?對我來講沒差,所以就二話不說答應了。
- Apr 23 Mon 2012 08:33
寄件者 BAL@CWS - 陳偉殷MLB首勝 |
上禮拜張博宇丟訊息給我說陳偉殷這個禮拜會在芝加哥先發。不過這一年來我一直都很忙——四月十七日 Jet Energy Scale Group 有個 deadline ——我一直很猶豫要不要衝現場幫殷左使(陳偉殷)加油。另外還有幾個原因:白襪球場(U.S. Cellular Field)離實驗室和我家有四、五十分鐘的車程(加上塞車要開一個多小時);我的實驗室完全沒有台灣人,揪不到台灣加油團。尤其是白襪球場治安不好,我通常避免單獨去看球;而據我所知,Fermilab 這裡都是小熊球迷,大概對白襪球賽沒興趣。我甚至考慮寄 Fermilab Graduate Students mailing list 徵人,我可以幫出門票;後來因為太害羞了而作罷。總之,因為以上種種原因,直到殷左使比賽當天——四月十七日星期二,我還是舉棋不定。
- Aug 08 Mon 2011 01:28
Tchaikovsky Spectacular
上星期日高中同學維君邀我一起去Ravinia Festival的其中一場音樂會——Tchaikovsky Spectacular,其中有我最愛的小提琴協奏曲,我二話不說就答應了,還外加昭告諸親友;後來這邊的唯一台灣人蔡宇信也說要去。