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I prepared special DAQ audible alarms for today --


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At the all-hand meeting of the SLAC Elementary Particle Physics division, JoAnne, the new division head, addressed the questions she received regarding her future leadership.

Q: How could you, a theorist, lead the Elementary Particle Physics division?
A: I'm a phenomenlogist, not a string theorist!


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I attended a lecture "how to find a job in Europe" yesterday.  The speaker is an Italian working in Bern.  He emphazied a lot on showing the respect of the local culture, language, and politics when looking for a job.  However, there are differences between Europe and Italy.

"The British are proud of being British, the French are proud of being French.  The Italian are proud of... their championship of World Cup.  The Italians are more relaxed." 

"You have to know the language.  For example, the French will speak in French after greeting you.  The Italian want to speak English, but they don't know how to speak in English.  So after five minutes, they start to speak in Italian."

"Mobility is considered to be very important.  But in Italy, the only way to get the professorship is to stick to a powerful professor and to get pushed up."




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Our jet energy scale paper draft is now under the style review. Stefan, the style reviewer, told us he would probably not progress much because "tomorrow Higgs will be here (the man not the particle)."

At the jet energy scale meeting today, we had the following conversation.
"Stefan is interacting with Higgs, so the paper will probably be delayed a bit."
"How is the coupling? Yukawa coupling close to 1?"
"The coupling is proportional to the mass....."
"Ah, then it is a strong interaction!"

按:Stefan 大概是 D0 collaboration 最胖的 XDD

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五月中 D0 Collaboration Meeting 最後一天,日本人 Yuji 在 plenary session 報告 Low Mass Higgs Group 的進度。因為前一個報告的時間提早結束,Yuji 便說他要講這次他從法國飛來,在紐約甘迺迪機場 (JFK) 入境發生的故事。他為這件事準備了一張投影片,以下是從他的投影片抄來的:

Title: A story at airport (JFK, not O’hare)

Officer: Why you come to US?
Me: I’m researcher, working on particle physics....
Officer: ......
Me: It’s high energy experiment at Fermilab....
Officer: Low Mass HIGGS?
Me: Yes, yes, yes! That’s right! Why do you know my work?!
Officer: Ha Ha ha!

Officer wanted to know about Higgs!

Yuji 語畢哄堂大笑,我心想這海關官員其實是 CIA 吧?!當時 LHC 炒新聞好像還沒炒得這麼兇.....

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今天實驗室表定停電,早上的 V+Jets Meeting 取消,Rochester Meeting 則在家裡連線。趁機休假一天,在家......寫論文。順便補記幾則趣事。

這是在五月中的 D0 Collaboration Week 發生的事。

這一兩年我們有一系列的 University of D0 Lectures,供應 pizza。不過由於 Tevatron 停機後預算縮水,因此主辦人 Mike 和 Ioannis 便在 Institution Board Meeting 中提出 "Free pizza fund",和資深老鳥募款。

遠端連線的某人發問:「And who is the treasurer? Ioannis?」

「No. As a Greek, I am not allowed to handle money.」Ioannis 回答。


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今天是 DZero Collaboration Week 的第一天,和明天兩天的議程都是 Summer Physics Workshop。我的 talk 本來被安排在明天下午,不過因為今天早上有位 speaker Lisa 趕不及從哥廷根飛來(該不會是為了看德國杯足球賽吧?),上禮拜德國籍的 Physics Convener Christian 就問我說能不能跟 Lisa 交換?對我來講沒差,所以就二話不說答應了。

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最近準備開始值班,有別於之前所值的DAQ Shift,這次是值Tracker Shift;也因此昨天和今天早晨被安排值班訓練(Shadow Shift)。Tracker Shift的值班時間和其他人不同,而且名稱非常有趣:

Farmer 4 a.m. - 12 p.m. 完全就是農夫作息
Country Club 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. 鄉村俱樂部或是有錢人、貴族的活動時間
Vampire 8 p.m. - 4 a.m. 確實是吸血鬼出沒期


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是說我們的實驗通常會量Expected Values和Observed Values,前者是測量Monte Carlo Simulation,以確保我們的Simulation沒問題;而後者是測量Real Data。我們做實驗通常會先看Expected Value,確定測量值和uncertainty沒問題之後纔會量Observed Value。

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昨天的FermiLab Today特別推出愚人節版


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我夢到我在值班(DAQ Shift),剛好遇到Store Begin。通常Store Begin時Instantaneous Luminosity最高,動作要快才不會浪費時間;也因此我都滿緊張的。

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XX, you are not in the Cone of the Silence*, unless you become invisible!!


* The Cone of the Silence: 某間會議室

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星期五早上有Single Top的ICHEP Rehearsal Talk,時間和我們的Rochester Meeting衝突。我收到公告的時候很猶豫:
「我該去ICHEP Rehearsal還是去Rochester Meeting呢?」

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第一種是咪停公告;「Single Top Meeting at the Farside in 5 minutes。」
第二種是Control Room的召喚;「Calorimeter Expert, please come to the Control Room; Calorimeter Expert, please come to the Control Room。」
而Control Room的廣播通常是找各個硬體儀器的Expert來處理儀器問題,再不然就是叫出來上廁所的DAQ Shifter回去。

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早上去實驗室之前先繞道AAA Office詢問歐洲旅遊資訊。(因為最近瘋狂趕工,下班時AAA Office早就關門了。)拿到Europe TravelBook一本,到了實驗室之後就隨手放在桌上。

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彼得是我們Top Group的MC Coordinator,專門負責Monte Carlo的問題。今年以來他也做了部份Jet Energy Scale的MC study,因此我常常遇到他。前陣子他來我們辦公室找義大利阿宅,討論完之後跟我們說他的女兒快出生了,我們還跟他道喜。

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